We charge $26 per day for the first dog or cat and $24 for any additional dog or cat from the same owner.
Price for grooming depends on the dog and size a quote can be given prior to your pets grooming appointment.
At least 4 times per day. With 2 - 20 minute play breaks in our fenced in area.
We have a TV that stays on 24hrs per day
If allowed all dogs are provided with rawhide and toys to play with within their kennel
If allowed interaction with other dogs of the same size during play time
With weather permitting daily rides on our golf cart
4 walks per day plus 2-20 min play breaks
Hours are based on availability, appointments must be made for boarding and grooming.
All pets must be picked up by 9:30 am to not get charged any additional day.
We will immediately contact your emergency contact or call your vet if problems arise during your pets stay.